
canal (6) heroines (22) memoir (12) poems (3) time to go (2) walking (22)

This Blog's Focus, or lack there of

Edith Wharton said "There are two ways of spreading light ...To be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it." That's what this blog is about, how the light of other people and the world around me have reflected off and in me. . .or other things when I need to write about other things, like walking, lizards, or fruit. There will be pictures of plants. All pictures are taken by me, unless noted.

I say what's on my mind, when it's there, and try to only upload posts that won't hurt or offend readers. However, readers may feel hurt or offended despite my good intentions. Blog-reading is a matter of free choice, that's what I have come to love about it, so if you are not pleased, surf on and/or leave a comment. I welcome any and all kind-hearted commentary.

It's 2012 and my current obsessions are writing and walking, sometimes at the same time. And books. I'm increasingly fascinated by how ebooks are transforming the physical book, forcing it to do more than provide printed words on a page.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Memoir in 200 Words or Less

Moved to the snow, sleds and puffy coats, runny nose and pink cheeks
Moved to a mountain top, creek, dirt road, milk delivered, garden, happiest childhood
Moved to a big wide valley surrounded by furrowed fields and orchards, caterpillars march across town on their way to becoming Monarchs
Moved to a city with plum trees lining the sidewalks, peace marches, yoga, recycling, parks, compost, riots
Moved 4 times, left school, left home, frightening childhood, I'm 11
Moved 3 times, went to high school, loved it, cycling, studying, camping, living alone, sad
Moved to a different big wide valley surrounded by furrowed fields and orchards, college freshman
Got a passport, went to Europe, John Lennon shot on my way back home
Moved back to a city with plum trees lining the sidewalk, college, math teacher, college again
Moved to a desert, college again, puppy, professor, homeowner, wife, mom, more puppies
Work, work, work, kittens
Still here 

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